covid 19 poster


What You Need To Know About COVID-19

COVID-19 is an infectious disease of global concern. This page is to provide up-to-date information and links for Falkland Islanders and others so they can stay well informed and take steps to protect their health.

Below are a set of frequently asked questions. These will be updated so please check regularly. As well, there are downloadable information sheets and posters for your use., and links to useful overseas information sources.

Latest Update (Translations: Spanish, Filipino, Zimbabwean)

FIG & Business Directories

Protecting Your Workforce During COVID-19

Essential Travel Application

Economic Support Package

Support Package Applications 

Funeral Guidance

Frequently Asked Questions

Information you can use 

Useful Links


Latest Update

FIG & Business Directories

These advisories are guides to business and FIG services, with opening hours and contact details. They are based on publically available information but may always be subject to change.

Business Advisory April 29
Created: 2020-04-29 | Changed: | Size: 472.99 KB
FIG Directory April 29
Created: 2020-04-29 | Changed: | Size: 531.19 KB

Protecting Your Workforce During COVID-19

Helping businesses restart operations - 7 May 2020

As part of the Government easing of restrictions, businesses and FIG are to restart non-essential work on Monday 11 May.

This guidance below outlines to businesses what they need to think about and plan for to resume activities and provide a safe environment for staff, and those using their services.

Guidance for the Workplace.pdf
Created: 2020-05-07 | Changed: 2020-05-07 | Size: 280.06 KB

As well, there is a list of activities not yet permitted.

Exclusion List May 7 2020.pdf
Created: 2020-05-07 | Changed: | Size: 56.99 KB

Guidance provided to the Building Sector on reopening - 22 April 2020

The government has published guidance for the building sector on operating under COVID-19 conditions, under a re-opening allowed on April 22, 2020.

These are exceptional circumstances and the industry must comply with the latest Falkland Island Government advice on COVID-19 at all times.

The Site Operating Procedures are based on Public Health England (PHE) guidance and information provided by the Falkland Islands Government Chief Medical Officer; 

Anyone undertaking construction activities during the COVID-19 pandemic needs to ensure they are protecting their workforce and minimizing the risk of spread of infection. This includes considering how personnel travel to and from site.

This guidance is intended to introduce consistent measures on construction sites of all types and sizes, in line with the Government’s recommendations on social distancing and ensure employers and individuals make every effort to comply.


FIG Site Operating Procedures
Created: 2020-04-20 | Changed: | Size: 127.91 KB

Essential Travel Application

BFSAI have stringent restrictions in place and are working hard to reduce movement from MPC to Stanley; this is in order to limit travel to that which is essential only

FIG has explored options around the introduction of a process so that essential travel is specifically authorised, this will support efforts already in place by BFSAI

FIG have decided to jointly sign registrations under this scheme.

The scheme is intended to reduce travel between the two population centres and thereby minimise the risk of COVID19 across the Falklands..

Anyone travelling from MPC must have written authorisation with them.

People travelling in from Camp may get stopped, in which case they will be offered advice on social distancing.

Persons who use the MPA road for reasons, such as travel to and around Camp, do not need to register.

The form below is for anyone wishing to make an Essential Travel Application. In relation to the registration process itself enquiries should be addressed to your employer in the first instance or  

Essential Travel Application
Created: 2020-04-14 | Changed: 2020-04-16 | Size: 84.31 KB

Economic Support Package Applications

Applications open for economic support measures

The Government is now ready to take applications for the Job Retention (Furlough) Scheme, the Self-Employed Income Supplement Scheme and the Business Grant Scheme.

The schemes, announced on April 17, are part of a package representing a comprehensive approach to addressing the cash flow needs of private sector workers and households and the liquidity needs of micro, small and medium sized businesses over the next three months, as they adjust to the economic effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Guidance Documents are now available at the following:-


Covid-19 Job Retention “furlough” scheme for businesses and employees


Under this measure, if an employer is unable to operate or have limited or no work for the employee because of Covid-19, and if the employer and employee both agree, the employer would be able to keep the employee on the payroll at 80% of salary. This is known as being ‘on furlough’.


  • With respect to employees, the new scheme will cover:
    • 80% of salary for furloughed employees for a period of up to 90 days
    • 80% of salary for employees on reduced hours, proportional to the percentage of hours not worked, for a period of up to 90 days.

Covid-19 Self-Employed Income Supplement Scheme  

  • With respect to self-employed workers the new scheme will cover:
    • up to 80% of the last two years’ average net monthly earnings, seasonally adjusted as necessary, for a period of up to 90 days and at a rate of up to £2,500 per month.

Covid-19 Business Grant Scheme

Some businesses may face high solvency risks due to a significant or critical reduction in demand for their goods or services. The government would provide financial support with two different types of direct, non-repayable grants.

These grants are targeted at:

  • Micro and Small Businesses (below £500,000 in turnover)
  • Micro, Small and Medium Sized Businesses in the Hospitality Sector and the Human Health and Social Work activities sectors (below £1,000,000 in turnover)

The Business Grant Scheme application process is being delivered by the Falkland Islands Development Corporation on behalf of FIG. See the below link:

Unemployment Subsidy System

A new unemployment subsidy system will be targeted at workers who are dismissed as a result of the crisis. This measure will provide financial reassurance to those who have been dismissed, through no fault of their own, as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.

  • The unemployment subsidy will cover 60% of the last monthly salary for a period of up to 90 days
  • There will be a cap of £2500 per month

All payments will be considered taxable in the hands of recipients.

This measure will have an effective eligibility date of March 20, 2020


Business Grant Scheme - Application Form and Guidance Notes
Created: 2020-05-04 | Changed: | Size: 154.48 KB
Business Grant Scheme FAQ
Created: 2020-05-04 | Changed: | Size: 54.22 KB
Job Retention (Furlough) Scheme - Application Form and Guidelines
Created: 2020-05-04 | Changed: | Size: 167.21 KB
Job Retention (Furlough) Scheme FAQ
Created: 2020-05-04 | Changed: | Size: 60.76 KB
Self_employed_Income supplement Scheme FAQ
Created: 2020-05-04 | Changed: | Size: 52.26 KB
Unemployment Subsidy Scheme
Created: 2020-05-05 | Changed: | Size: 172.11 KB


Support Package Applications Now Open

Applications can now be made for the Falkland Islands Government’s support package that was announced on 25 March 2020 for private sector employers with employees, as well as the self-employed who have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.  

The Government is doing this to reinforce and support the strong public health action which the Falkland Islands Government is taking to protect the population and minimise the social and economic impact of this challenging issue.

How to apply:

Application forms along with other guidance are available through:

Falkland Islands Government - Here

Falkland Islands Development Corporation –

The Falkland Islands Development Corporation (FIDC) is tasked to develop the commercial sector of the Falkland Islands by being one of the principal partners delivering the Economic, Rural and Tourism Strategies.

If you need assistance filling out the forms, contact Sian Davies, Business Development Officer, at FIDC telephone 51211.

Relevant documents will be translated into Spanish and Filipino and posted to the websites within the next few days.

The package provisions apply to the following categories.

  • All employees with symptoms who are advised by KEMH to self-isolate for 14 days will continue to be paid by their employer (regardless of whether they are entitled to leave or sick pay). Employers will be able to seek reimbursement of the costs of this measure from the Government, up to a cap of £1,250 for the 14 calendar days per employee for the period of isolation.

  • All self-employed people with symptoms who are advised in writing by KEMH to self-isolate for 14 calendar days will similarly be able to claim a sum of up to £1,250 for the 14 calendar days of self-isolation.

  • All “vulnerable” self-employed people who are advised in writing by KEMH to self-isolate for an initial period of 3 months, and who are unable to work from home, will be able to claim a sum of up to £2,500 per month for the period of isolation.

  • All “vulnerable” employees who are advised by KEMH to self-isolate for an initial period of 3 months, and who are unable to work from home, will continue to be paid by their employer (regardless of whether they are entitled to leave or sick pay). Employers will be able to seek reimbursement for this measure from the Government, up to a cap of £2,500 per employee per month for the period of isolation.

  • When private sector employees without symptoms are
    • a) advised by KEMH to self-isolate due to a household member being symptomatic with a fever and with that household member having been advised by KEMH to self-isolate; or
    • b) advised by the government to stay home due to being classified as a non-essential worker.
    • and who in both instances cannot work from home, they will continue to be paid by their employer (regardless of whether they are entitled to leave or sick pay) for a period of up to 14 days.

  • When self-employed people without symptoms are
    • a) advised by KEMH to self-isolate due to a household member being symptomatic with a fever and with that household member having been advised by KEMH to self-isolate.
    • or b) advised by the government to stay home due to being classified as a non-essential worker,
    • and who in both instances cannot work from home, they will be able to claim a sum of up to £1,250 for a period of up to 14 calendar days.

All funds will be considered taxable and subject to the usual deductions from payroll.

If employees or self-employed persons are able to work from home during any period of isolation, we would expect them to do so and not to claim re-imbursement from Government.

These measures are designed to ensure that everyone can make the right choice to take necessary public health measures, for the benefit of all, whilst ensuring that the impact on the economy is minimised.

The Government will be announcing further measures to assist the private sector more generally within the next several days.

In addition, the Government continues to offer a range of benefits and allowances to Falkland Islands residents through the Department of Health and Social Services.

How deaths and burials will be handled

Our Hospital and Coroner Service are putting in place measures to care for the deceased in the event of deaths during the present COVID-19 situation.

It is important after a COVID-19 death to remove the deceased to an area away from KEMH, and so a separate place for the deceased has been arranged away from the hospital. This is also now being used as the process for deaths not related to COVID-19.

The Coroner Sarah Whitby says the reason for this is to protect the hospital and its staff from infection as much as possible.

“This process is the responsibility of myself and my team, and we will keep family advised so that they can make arrangement for burial. There will be an opportunity for family and friends to see their relative or friend after death, but this must be managed differently.”

Arrangements can be made for funeral services and burial, and a guidance document is available below.

Speaking on behalf of the Island’s faith groups, the Reverend Ian Faulds said that the churches are working together to provide care and pastoral support both for the critically ill and for their families.

 “Regardless of faith, religion or belief, this is what we are committed to do and all ministers are happy to work with the authorities and next of kin to ensure that any burials are conducted in a dignified way.”  

"Infection measures may well affect the way in which funerals can be held, but this will become clearer as time goes on and chaplaincy support will be available to those experiencing trauma in the community." 

The Chief Medical Officer Dr Rebecca Edwards said that to lose anyone to COVID-19 will be a blow felt by all our community, but of course by their family and friends the most.

“I want people to know that our health teams will be doing our utmost to care for our most ill and save lives.  We do very much need all of you to play your part as well by following government guidance around matters such as self-isolation, social distancing, and looking out for the needs of our most vulnerable.”

If you have questions, the Coroner Sarah Whitby is available at the Court telephone number of 27271 to talk matters through. Ian Faulds can be reached on 51051.

Funeral Guidance
Created: 2020-04-28 | Changed: | Size: 139.34 KB

COVID-19 Frequently Asked Questions

This information was last updated on 17 March, 2020.


Information you can use

Here is more information you can read. These can be downloaded and printed out.

The material covers:

Covid-19 - What you need to know

Covid-19 - What you need to know
Created: 2020-04-03 | Changed: | Size: 108.68 KB


Feeling Unwell Poster

Feeling Unwell - Poster
Created: 2020-03-06 | Changed: | Size: 192.49 KB


A COVID-19 information leaflet

COVID-19 Information Leaflet
Created: 2020-03-05 | Changed: 2020-03-05 | Size: 468.66 KB


 All about flu

Flu Leaflet
Created: 2020-03-05 | Changed: | Size: 473.55 KB


Information for schools

COVID-19 Information For Schools
Created: 2020-03-05 | Changed: | Size: 326.1 KB


Information for hotels and lodges

COVID-19 Advice For Hotels
Created: 2020-03-05 | Changed: | Size: 266.56 KB
COVID-19 Cleaning Information
Created: 2020-03-05 | Changed: | Size: 256.59 KB


Social Distancing

What is social distancing and why is it important
Created: 2020-04-13 | Changed: | Size: 124.73 KB
Social Distancing - Spanish
Created: 2020-03-27 | Changed: 2020-04-20 | Size: 35.83 KB
Social Distancing - Filipino
Created: 2020-03-29 | Changed: 2020-04-20 | Size: 134.11 KB
Social Distancing - Zimbabwean
Created: 2020-04-06 | Changed: 2020-04-24 | Size: 142.64 KB
What you need to know about Social Distancing
Created: 2020-04-13 | Changed: | Size: 54.82 KB


Socially Connected Physically Protected Guidance

Socially Connected Physically Protected
Created: 2020-05-05 | Changed: 2020-05-06 | Size: 253.03 KB
Socially Connected Physically Protected - Filipino
Created: 2020-05-06 | Changed: | Size: 223.76 KB
Socially Connected Physically Protected - Zimbabwean
Created: 2020-05-06 | Changed: | Size: 158.63 KB



Self-isolation Guidance
Created: 2020-04-16 | Changed: 2020-04-17 | Size: 132.33 KB
Self-isolation Guidance - Spanish
Created: 2020-04-17 | Changed: 2020-04-17 | Size: 87.24 KB
Self-isolation Guidance - Filipino
Created: 2020-04-17 | Changed: 2020-04-17 | Size: 184.98 KB
Self-isolation Guidance - Zimbabwean
Created: 2020-04-27 | Changed: | Size: 124.72 KB

SPANISH COVID-19 Latest Updates

COVID-19 Public Update - 06 May 2020 - Spanish
Created: 2020-05-07 | Changed: | Size: 65.67 KB
COVID-19 Public Update - 05 May 2020 - Spanish
Created: 2020-05-06 | Changed: 2020-05-06 | Size: 106.12 KB
COVID-19 Public Update - 04 May 2020 - Spanish
Created: 2020-05-05 | Changed: 2020-05-05 | Size: 85.96 KB
COVID-19 Public Update - 01 May 2020 - Spanish
Created: 2020-05-02 | Changed: 2020-05-02 | Size: 92.13 KB
COVID-19 Public Update - 30 April 2020 - Spanish
Created: 2020-05-01 | Changed: | Size: 123.14 KB
COVID-19 Public Update - 29 April 2020 - Spanish
Created: 2020-04-30 | Changed: | Size: 103.71 KB
COVID-19 Public Update - 28 April 2020 - Spanish
Created: 2020-04-29 | Changed: 2020-04-29 | Size: 81.56 KB

FILIPINO COVID-19 Latest Updates

COVID-19 Public Update - 06 May 2020 - Filipino
Created: 2020-05-07 | Changed: | Size: 125.74 KB
COVID-19 Public Update - 05 May 2020 - Filipino
Created: 2020-05-06 | Changed: 2020-05-06 | Size: 132.52 KB
COVID-19 Public Update - 04 May 2020 - Filipino
Created: 2020-05-05 | Changed: | Size: 154.63 KB
COVID-19 Public Update - 01 May 2020 - Filipino
Created: 2020-05-02 | Changed: 2020-05-02 | Size: 155.97 KB
COVID-19 Public Update - 30 April 2020 - Filipino
Created: 2020-05-01 | Changed: 2020-05-02 | Size: 104.16 KB
COVID-19 Public Update - 29 April 2020 - Filipino
Created: 2020-04-30 | Changed: | Size: 100.74 KB
COVID-19 Public Update - 28 April 2020 - Filipino
Created: 2020-04-29 | Changed: 2020-04-29 | Size: 100.94 KB

ZIMBABWEAN COVID-19 Latest Updates

COVID-19 Public Update - 4 May 2020 - Zimbabwean
Created: 2020-05-06 | Changed: | Size: 80.22 KB

Useful links concerning COVID-19

The following links cover the latest global information and from the UK.

World Health Organization information is here:

National Health Service information is here:

UK Government latest information and advice: